
Monday, November 21, 2011

Trash Art

Trash Art has been in the back of my mind for a while now, not just because of the documentary Wasteland. As an art teacher, supplies are a big part of my job. Living in such a wasteful world, it makes sense to do more trash art with the kids. I have started to think of how to develop the projects, and started to create some of my own in the process. This website is very inspiring.

Tim Nobel & Sue Webster:

Tim and Sue met while they were studying Fine Arts in University together. Now they are best known for their art made from trash collected from the London streets, which shows an image when light is projected in front of it.

Sarah-Jane van der Westhuizen:

The art is created from old car parts, recycled metal pieces, and anything the artist could get her hands on. Van der Westhuizen has installed several of these trash sculptures all over Europe.

Michelle Stitzlein:

Stitzlein creates art from found materials such as piano keys, broken china, and other recycled items.

Mark Langan

Langan creates art from reclaimed cardboard and other materials. Scream was created from corrugated cardboard and other recycled materials. Langan works with non-toxic glue, an exacto knife, and a lot of patience.

Tyree Guyton

Guyton created the Heidelburg Project as an urban renewal project, transforming a rundown section of Detroit from a place where people were afraid to walk to an art exhibition that people wanted to visit.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


It's been so long... here's one that I don't want to forget... it reminds me of JR

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Paintings without Paint

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Improv Everywhere

An actor started various improv situations in public space, such as a food court musical about needing a napkin and this... no pants subway ride....

Do I have the guts and motivation to join?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I heart NY

A few months ago the NY Times had a contest asking people to redesign the I heart NY logo. It was inspired after seeing what Milton Glaser did to the logo for Jet Blue.

Organically Obsessed

Although it's a few years old, it's still relevant. I think that it's becoming more popular, but we still have a long way to go...